As a Reform congregation, our services are conducted in a mixture of Hebrew and English. Our prayerbooks: Mishkan Tifilah, have the transliterations (Hebrew written in our standard alphabet) side-by-side with the Hebrew to assist those who’d can’t read Hebrew but would like to participate in the prayers.
Friday night services typically last about an hour and a half and are followed by a ‘potluck’ Oneg. An oneg is a light nosh – (often desserty in nature) – that follows a service, to continue the festivity, be it Shabbat or a holiday celebration.
Saturday services when we don’t have a Bat/Bar Mitzvah, tend to last about an hour. This is then followed by a Torah text study. Everyone is encouraged to participate, but you are welcome to just come and listen!
When we do have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah you can expect the service to last two – two and a half hours, followed by a luncheon type oneg provided by the family of the mitzvah.
We keep a ‘Dairy’ kitchen, that is we ask that you refrain from bringing in meat or poultry. However, fish and vegetarian dishes are great.
Dress code: We ask that you wear “casual dressy” – not too fancy, but nicer than cutoffs. In other words, don’t show up looking like a shlub! (No one will be turned away based on how they are dressed. The important thing is that you show up!)
We have kippot and tallit available for those who would like to wear them. Neither is required, but we do strongly encourage those who come up for Torah honors to wear a tallis.
To See A List of Service Dates and Times Click Here