High Holy Days

High Holy Days

(Keep scrolling for schedule)

High Holy Days are a time for reflection, introspection, prayer, and re-connection.  We welcome you to join us in celebrating and observing these special Holy days.  We offer a variety of services to meet the spiritual needs of our diverse community. Please see the Schedule of Services for a list of dates, times, and locations of services.

Rosh Hashannah marks the Jewish New Year. We begin to think about where we ‘missed the mark’ in the past and how we want to improve in the year to come. We celebrate our desire for a sweet, round (not bumpy) year by eating apples dipped in honey and enjoying a round challah. We symbolically cast away our sins by tossing bread or pebbles during our tashlich service at Caldwell Park.

More info on Rosh Hashanah customs

Yom Kippur is a time of solemn reflection. We begin by dissolving all vows made to God through the chanting of Kol Nidre. We pour our hearts and souls into honest reflection of the past, abstaining from food and drink for 27 hours. As a community we break our fast together with a pot luck.

At TBI we do not have reserved seating for the High Holy Days, nor do we require that you purchase tickets. However, if you are not a member we do ask that you make a donation. No one will be turned away because of finances. Services will be also be streamed via Facebook.

*** We reserve the right to require masks or cancel in person services if Covid numbers spike.***

We look forward to sharing a wonderful High Holy Days together!

Rosh Hashanah schedule:

Erev Rosh Hashanah – Wednesday, Oct 2nd – Services begin at 7:00 pm

Rosh Hashanah – Thursday, Oct 3rd – Services begin at 10:00 am

— followed by Tashlich and a BYO brown-bag lunch at Oak Knoll picnic area in Caldwell Park at approximately 1:30 pm

Yom Kippur schedule:

Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre – Friday, Oct 11th – Services begin at 7:30 pm (note slightly later start time to give people a chance for a proper meal before services.)

Yom Kippur morningSaturday, Sept 12th – beginning at 10 am and going until approx 12:30 pm (Break)

Services resume with: (Schedule is subject to change) 

5:30 pm afternoon Torah study

6:15 pm Symposium speakers

6:30 Yiskor (please send Geri any names to be added to our list, or corrections from the past)

7:00 Ne’ila & Havdallah

7:30 Break the Fast