Monthly Shabbat Schedule

Shabbat Schedule for: 5784-5785 (aka) 2024-2025

Services: We are continuing to hold a combination of online and in person services. In person services will be streamed simultaneously on the Temple Beth Israel Facebook page.

23rd Friday

24th Saturday

First Shabbat service w/Rabbi Lisa

Torah service w/Rabbi Lisa

7:00 PM

10:00 AM

13th Friday Shabbat service 7:00 PM
14th Friday Torah service 10:00 AM
Rosh Hashannah

2/3 Wednesday/Thursday

See High Holy Days for details 7:00 PM
Yom Kippur

24/25 Friday/Saturday

See High Holy Days for Details 10:00 AM
8th Friday Shabbat Service  7:00 PM
8th Saturday Torah Service and study 10:00 AM
6th Friday Friday evening service  7:00 PM
7th Saturday Shabbat morning service 10:00 AM
17th Friday Friday evening service 7:00 PM
18th Saturday Torah service and study 10:00 AM
21st Friday Shabbat Service 7:00 PM
22bd Saturday Torah service and study
10:00 AM
14th Friday Purim Shabbat Service 7:00 PM
15th Saturday Torah service and study 10:00 AM
18th Friday Shabbat Service  7:00 PM
19th Saturday Alternative Service and Study*TBD* 10:00 AM
19th Saturday Community seder *Reservations required 5:00 PM
16th Friday Lag B’Omer Shabbat (last weekend w/Rabbi Lisa) 7:00 PM
17th Saturday Torah Service and Study 10:00 AM
 Summer hiatus – if events pop up  we will post them on the calendar page